How Does Hydro Excavation Work?

Most people know hydro jetting in Minneapolis, MN for cleaning pipe interiors. It also has another form of use in hydro excavation. It’s an alternate method for digging and excavating with better features than traditional methods, particularly in terms of precision and safety.

The Basics of Hydro Excavation

Hydro excavation involves using a combination of high-pressure water and a powerful vacuum to break up soil and remove it from the excavation site. This process is more precise, reducing the risk of damage to underground utilities.

Hydro jetting services, often used to clean pipes, use similar high-pressure water technology. This makes hydro excavation a natural extension of this method. By directing the water jet into the ground, the soil becomes a slurry that’s easy to vacuum away.

Hydro Excavation Advantages Over Traditional Excavation

One of the primary advantages of hydro excavation is its safety. Traditional excavation methods can inadvertently strike underground utilities. This leads to costly repairs and serious hazards.

Hydro excavation minimizes risks by allowing for more controlled and accurate digging. Pipe jetting shares this safety benefit. Hydro excavation lessens the mess and focuses on precise excavation to avoid utilities and surrounding areas.

Applications of Hydro Excavation

Hydro excavation is versatile and suitable for various applications. It is applicable from laying utility lines to landscaping and construction. This is particularly beneficial in urban areas like Minneapolis with dense underground infrastructure.

Hydro jetting is often for maintaining and clearing pipes. The same safe and accurate power of water works for focused excavation. It safely exposes utilities, making repairs or installations more straightforward and less disruptive.

Environmental and Efficiency Benefits

Hydro excavation is also more environmentally friendly compared to traditional methods. It uses less heavy machinery, reducing emissions and noise pollution. Its precision means less soil displacement, which is better for the surrounding environment.

We can make your excavation needs more efficient, less messy, and even less disruptive than the traditional ways. Only H&M Underground Solutions can provide you with state-of-the-art hydro excavation needs and major plumbing services. We also offer 24-hour-a-day appointments. Call us today.